Más que una misteriosa bolsita, es historia, cultura, viaje y ceremonia.
Boquete Tree Trek Eco-Adventure Park quiere adentrarte en el basto mundo de esta bebida milenaria, consumida hace mas de 5 mil años ; hecha a base de las hojas de una planta conocida como Camelia Cinensis-comúnmente llamada Planta del Té.
More than a mysterious bag, it is history, culture, travel and ceremony
Tree Trek Boquete Adventure Park wants to delve into the vast world of this millenary drink, consumed more than 5 thousand years ago; Made from the leaves of a plant known as Camelia Cinensis – commonly called Tea Plant.

Book Tour
KOTOWA Tea Tour Information
We will know its origin, anatomy, growth, harvest and production processes. Culminating with a tasting of the 4 classic tea: White Tea, Green Tea, Oolong and Black Tea.
10:30 am
3.5 hours